The sun is an inescapable part of our daily life, without it, we would be living in a, dark world, and life, as we know it would not exist.
Sun is a beautiful part of our life just like chocolate, fine wine, and cheese! But did you know overexposure to the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) rays can cause sunburn and worse yet, skin cancer. Are you also aware that UV rays are bad for your eyes too?
Constant exposure to UV rays can cause serious eye problems including macular degeneration, pterygia, pinguecula, cataracts, and photokeratitis. UV protection is important when you are outside and polarized lens sunglasses are the perfect solution!
We can see the light the sun produces and feel its heat, but we cannot see or feel the ultraviolet rays it emits. UV-radiation is a form of energy and is categorized by wavelength – the shorter the wavelength of light, the more dangerous it is.
There are three distinct forms of UV radiation – UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.
- UV-A – This is a long-range light and the lowest in energy. The ozone layer cannot absorb this light easily, which means that 95% of UVA gets through. Even though UVA can reach deep into our skin, it is not dangerous. Exposure to UVA can cause your skin to tan, age prematurely, and produces wrinkles
- UV-B – This is a short-wave light, and most of it is absorbed by the ozone layer, with only 5% getting through. Whatever little gets through is extremely harmful as it penetrates the outer protective layer of our skin and can result in sunburns and skin cancers.
- UV-C – This is the most dangerous form of UV light, it has the shortest wavelength and has the highest amount of energy. UVC is not common as much of it is blocked out by the ozone layer and never gets through to the earth’s surface.
When it comes to UV radiation, the sun is a huge threat, as well as tanning beds, welding machines, lasers or any product that can produce UV rays.
Short-term exposure to UV rays without wearing polarized lenses will make your eyes feel puffy, red, or gritty. If you are sensitive to light, you might get excessive tearing, but the good news is that these symptoms are temporary.
However, if your eyes are constantly exposed to solar radiation, you are at a huge risk of developing a whole range of problems include:
- Macular degeneration – This is a condition that deteriorates the macula, the central area of the retina that regulates the sharpness of our vision.
- Cataracts – In this condition, the eye’s natural lens becomes clouded.
- Pterygium – A condition where you have an abnormal growth (a raised bump) on the surface of the eye.
- Pinguecula – This is a non-cancerous bump on the outer layer (white area) of the eyeball.
- Photokeratitis – This is essentially a sunburn of the eye. It occurs from intense short--term exposure to UV-B rays, generally occurs during skiing or at the beach without the appropriate eye protection. Worst case scenario may even result in temporary vision loss.
It is impossible to treat some of these conditions, so UV protection is your best bet when it comes to countering the harmful effects of UV rays.
To protect your eyes from the damaging UV rays, always wear quality UV protection sunglasses when you are outdoors. UV protection glasses can help counter all the side effects discussed above.
UV protection glasses work by blocking the harmful UV rays from reaching your eyes. Just like sunscreen ensures your skin is protected from UV rays, UV glasses keep out most of the UV rays from entering your eyes.
When choosing UV protection sunglasses, be sure to check that they:
- Block both UV-A and UV-B rays.
- Offer 99% to 100% protection against these UV rays.
- Keep out 75% to 90% of all visible light.
- Feature gray lenses, which allow for color recognition.
- Feature lenses that are free of imperfections and distortions.
The purpose of UV-protection lenses is to protect the eyes, polarized sunglasses help remove glare so you can see things easily and clearly.
So, no more squinting!
Polarized sunglasses are a great option when you are outdoors and looking to keep the glare out. They are favored by fisherman, sports enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to keep the glare away!
If you wear contact lenses to block UV rays, you still must wear sunglasses. UV-protection contact lenses will only protect the part of the eye that is under the lens. UV rays can still damage the eyelids and the other tissues that are left exposed. Polarized sunglasses can protect those delicate areas around the eyes against UV damage.
When light reflects off a surface like a car or a lake, the light waves will align in horizontal patterns, resulting in glare. The filters in your polarized lenses will block those horizontal waves, which will reduce glare.
To check whether your sunglasses are polarized, just hold them in front of your face and look at any digital screen. Now slowly move the sunglasses up and down (from left to right). If there is a change in brightness as you move the sunglasses or the image disappears, then you know your sunglasses are polarized.
Not all glasses offer UV protection. Although polar
Whether you are buying polarized glasses or UV protection sunglasses, be sure to invest in a quality product that will deliver the best value for your money!